As the blood wills it, Lemartes chants his Litanies of Hate through his vox grille, directing his blood crazed brothers towards the enemy, suffering the effects of the Black Rage himself, Lemartes strikes his opponents down with the cursed Blood Crozius. In today’s post, I share more pictures of Lemartes, how he performed in a recent game and how I adapted my Death Company colour scheme to paint this chaplain of the lost.

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Despite displaying all the traits of the Black Rage, Lemartes iron-will is so strong he can remain lucid in his thoughts and direct his battle brothers.

This item was kindly provided by Games Workshop. Thoughts and opinions are our own.

The new Lemartes model is a complete redesign from the previous Finecast* sculpt. Apart from his giant skull shoulder pad, I can’t see any similarities with the old model. It does make me wonder if this was sculpted as a Blood Angel Chaplain first and was later ret-conned into becoming Lemartes. Either way, I love the sculpt, my favourite part is actually the base. The model has a real weight to it as he smashes down onto the stone slab paving, leaving huge craters. It’s a refreshing take on balancing a jet pack model on a tactical rick.

A short lived, spun-cast resin replacement to metal models that Games Workshop released that had more bubbles in the casts than a pumice stone.

In my last post, I mentioned I played a 1250pt game of 40k using my Blood Angels against Dunk’s Astra Millitarum. I thought I’d let you know how Lemartes did.

Lemartes was running solo and wasn’t attached to the Death Company, he was always nearby though, so they would keep their objective control and fall back rules. He helped wipe out the guardsmen on the objective, before chasing down the artillery guns, I think it was the vanquisher that ended him, unloading all of its weapons at point blank range.

I think in my next game, I might run Astorath solo, and attached Lemartes to the Death Company, he has a nice rule called Guardian of the Lost that allows you to subtract 1 from incoming attacks. Might help against all of Dunk’s Heavy Bolters.

How to Paint Blood Angel Chaplain Lemartes

How I painted Lemartes is no different to how I painted my Death Company, it’s the same paint recipes. So to save myself writing it all again, it’s easier for me to share the Death Company recipe card.

Here’s how I painted my Death Company with Jump Packs which works perfectly for Lemartes.

I don’t usually include how I paint bases in my paint recipes, but I have been asked how I paint my approximation for the irradiated wastes of Baal and seeing as Lemates comes with a centrepiece base, I thought I’d write down the recipe for my basing.

I haven’t been focussed on Warhammer 40,000 for ages, and playing that game against Dunk has really motivated me to keep pushing on and collecting more Blood Angels for our next game. During the whole of November I’ll sharing more Blood Angel units I’ve painted, more tales from the battlefield and more painting tips, so bookmark this page and check back every Thursday!

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