The Solar Auxilia is receiving a supply drop of new heavy equipment. In this review, we’ll be taking a high-resolution look at the sprue images of the Valdor Tank Destroyer and Malcador Infernus, new Malcador tank variants, and the brand new plastic Arvus Lighter.

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The boxes of the Valdor Tank Destroyer, Malcador Infernus, and Arvus Lighter kits on a white marble background, photographed for a review
These items were kindly provided by Games Workshop. Thoughts and opinions are our own.

The new Horus Heresy Solar Auxilia releases will be available for pre-order starting Saturday, 18 January 2025. The pre-order period lasts two weeks, with the official release date set for 1 February 2025.

Plastic Arvus Lighter unboxed

The plastic Arvus Lighter kit contains three large sprues, a small frame of clear plastic for the cockpit canopy, a new transparent flight stand base with a ball joint, a 120mm oval base, along with the instructions and a new Division Aeronautica transfer sheet with black and white markings.

Patreon bonus content: Ultra high-res, uncompressed versions of these sprue images (and backsides of the sprues) can be downloaded here.

Like all recent Horus Heresy vehicles and tanks, the Arvus Lighter boasts a high level of fit and detail. The clear canopies are a nice touch, the interior is fully modelled, and the crew are highly detailed. The rear ramp can be opened and optionally fitted with an additional crew member with a deployed multi-laser. Otherwise, you have the choice of building the model with the landing gear retracted and flighing base, or with the gear extended so you can place the model directly onto the gaming table. Neat.

Detail shots of a painted Arvus Lighter model from Games Workshop
The highly detailed crew models and optional rear gunner

Valdor Tank Destroyer review

The Valdor Tank Destroyer is based on the Malcador hull but swaps out the turret-mounted weaponry for a hull-mounted neutron laser, giving it a sleeker profile. The box is packed with two large and one medium sprue that make up the Valdor’s hull, identical to those in the Malcador kit. Additionally, it includes an accessory sprue and sprue of secondary weapons, also familiar from the Malcador. You will also receive a small, black and white Solar Auxila transfer sheet. New to this kit is a medium-sized sprue containing the formidable 14.5cm long neutron laser.

As with the Malcador, you can build an optional tank commander using the accessory sprue, with either a cogitator or a pintle-mounted heavy flamer, multi-laser, or heavy stubber. There’s a bulldozer blade, a hunter-killer missile, a searchlight, and a flare shield, and the sponsons can be equipped with heavy bolters, lascannons, autocannons, multi-lasers, or heavy flamers.

The Solar Auxilia Valdor Tank Destroyer weapon sprue from Games Workshop on a white background, photographed for a review
The new neutron laser sprue from the Valdor Tank Destroyer set

Patreon bonus content: Ultra high-res, uncompressed versions of these sprue images (and backsides of the sprues) can be downloaded here.

A look at the Malcador Infernus

The Malcador Infernus also includes the three hull sprues found in the standard Malcador, as well as the two accessory sprues and the decal sheet. Instead of the neutron laser sprue found in the Valdus, the Malcador Infernus contains an additional large sprue and a half-sized sprue. These are used to build the monstrous infernus cannon and the trailer with the fuel tank. Otherwise, the Malcador Infernus offers the same optional accessories and sponson weapons as the standard Malcador and Valdus Tank Hunter.

The Solar Auxilia Malcador Infernus Cannon sprue from Games Workshop on a white background, photographed for a review
The new infernus cannon sprue from the Malcador Infernus set

Patreon bonus content: Ultra high-res, uncompressed versions of these sprue images (and backsides of the sprues) can be downloaded here.

Where to get

You can find the latest GW releases at our 🇬🇧/🇪🇺 partner stores Wayland GamesElement Games, and Firestorm Games, at 🇩🇪 Taschengelddieb and PK-Pro, and at 🇺🇸 Noble Knight Games with a welcome discount of up to 20% over RRP. Using our links helps to support Tale of Painters at no additional cost to you, so thank you very much for using them!

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Arvus Lighter
Valdor Tank Destroyer
Malcador Infernus

Final Verdict

The steady drumbeat of Age of Darkness tank kits continues as the Arvus Lighter and more Malcador variants are translated into plastic. The Valdus and Malcador Infernus feature the familiar hulls with new sprue additions, while the Arvus Lighter is an excellent rendition of the 'little piggy' with new details. The prices are not unexpected given the size and number of models, but we would have preferred a more competitive price for the Arvus Lighter considering its relatively low part count.