Dunk has been a hobbyist since 1989, his love of miniature painting is driven by storytelling and narrative. Although an army painter at heart, Dunk has painted everything from boxed games, kill teams, Dungeons and Dragons parties and a large range of individual figures, scenery and models over the years. When Dunk is not painting, he is watching, listening or reading Sci-fi with his calico cat Starbuck. Dunk is a massive Black Library Fan and these stories always influence what ends up on his hobby desk (along with Starbucks cat hairs! 🐱). Dunk brings years of hobby experience with him and wants to share his knowledge and enjoyment of narrative driven hobby projects with others.
Showcase: Death Korps of Krieg Kill Team
A cold start here in the UK this January. Many areas seeing snow with chilling rain & winds. Talking of Cold, the Astra Miliatarum Krieg range refresh is on the way. As a dedicated Astra... “Guard” player and collector (forgive me I'm an oldschool) I am...
Showcase: Cadian Rogal Dorn Battle Tank
Hi everyone, hope this reaches you all safe and well in the busy lead up to Christmas. With the night's drawing in, if you are like me, you are getting those lamps on and painting away regardless. I am pleased to be able to share...
Showcase: Van Saar Tek Hunters & Orrus Spyre Hunters (inc. painting guides)
I had the opportunity to work with Garfy on the recent Necromunda: Hive Secundus release. Necromunda is one of my favourite games. Sadly, I have not had much opportunity to play the latest edition, this is something that I am hoping to rectify next year. However, I...
Showcase: Ork Beast Snaggas army (inc. painting guides)
A very exciting day for me! It’s my first guest post on Tale of Painters💪. I have been a big fan of the site and artists for such a long time, it’s a real privilege to be able to contribute, albeit in my own small...
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