The Wight Jester
The Wight Jester is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
WIP: Konrad Curze #7
Morning all! I’ve been getting a bit more done on Konrad in between other projects. More about those another time. In the meantime, I’ve been working up the armour highlights and doing gory bits on Mr Curze.
WIP: Konrad Curze #6
Here we have the Pauldrons in place and I’ve been continuing work on the blue armour sections. At this stage, aside from the red wings on his right pauldron, what remains is blending, highlighting and detailing. All the really fun stuff. 🙂
WIP: Konrad Curze #5
Just general basecoating and shading at the moment folks. I’ll be doing a whole load more highlighting when the ink is dry.
WIP: Konrad Curze #4
Just a quick update today. The chap I am painting Curze for has asked for three claws per forearm instead of two. Who am I to argue? More claws are never a bad thing. The extra claw on each side was cut from 1mm plasticard...
WIP: Konrad Curze #3
Hey folks! here’s a little more progress on the Konrad Curze project. The blue armour colour is slowly spreading. The areas that I’ve mostly been concentrating on or the red areas. For this model I wanted to do something a little different. The red areas...
WIP: Konrad Curze #2
A bit more progress on the Konrad Curze project. At this stage I’m mostly working on one armoured area at a time. I’ve also been filling in other areas that but up to the armour with basecoats and shade. THis is just to allow me...
Showcase: Dark Angels Spartan
Hey folks. I’ve just finished this Dark Angels Spartan. Slightly converted to spec with third-party supplied tracks. I’ve used a pretty stark form of highlighting for this one. There’s a very subtle zenithal highlight over the model as a whole in very dark blue/grey but...
WIP: Konrad Curze #1
I’ve just started working on Konrad Curze folks. I’m working a little differently on this model. On the advice of a chap at FW, I’ve used a cellulose matt varnish to seal the resin. That’s the only bit of this project that will involve spraying...
WIP: Dark Angels Spartan #4
A bit further along with the Dark Angels Spartan project. At this stage I’ve edge highlighted all the armour in a kind of pseudo GW kind of style but with more emphasis on upward facing angles. I’ve also go to work on the door details....
Showcase: Nagash
Evening folks! I’ve just finished work on Nagash. Here’s a few photos of the finished model. I’ve taken a few ideas from the GW studio paint job. But with my own twists.The robes are more of an indigo than straight out purple and I’ve kept...
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