Hi (ho, hi ho), Arcane here with the second instalment of my #TaleofTuesdays Underworlds post. Engage aetheric engines and take off with me after the jump.
Following Garfy’s example I’m back on track and hit the deadline. I’ve finished all five members of Thundrik’s Profiteers. I have a completed warband, YAY! I even had some extra time to go over the models and tidy up the odd stray paint brush. A true Duardin Artisan takes pride in his work!
I haven’t painted many factions and most of them don’t use metals in their paint schemes, so it was both fun and challenging to Paint Thundrik’s Profiteers. I’m pretty happy with the result, they’re so shiny!
Now for the exciting part, what will I paint as my second warband for the third and fourth month of #TaleofTuesdays? Well, I’m not sure actually… follow me on twitter where I’ll tweet hints.
Check back next Tuesday to see Stahly’s warband. Don’t forget if you want to paint along with us, make sure you use the following hashtags on social media platforms (twitter, Instagram or facebook).
#taleoftuesdays #taleofpainters #paintyourgames
Make sure your account is public (in case of facebook, set your #taleoftuesdays posts to public).
We’ll round up all your posts and share them at the end of each month. From all of your warbands that were painted during Tale of Tuesdays, we pick our favourite warband to win a Wayland Games or Element Games voucher for an Underworld warband box of your choice so you can start painting another warband right away.
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