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Just a quick update today. The chap I am painting Curze for has asked for three claws per forearm instead of two. Who am I to argue? More claws are never a bad thing.
The extra claw on each side was cut from 1mm plasticard and carved to shape with a surgical scalpel with a 10a blade. A small and accidental blood offering was made to the ruinous powers at this stage.
The Wight Jester
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I would really like to know not only what light box you are using but also what gloss, washing technique, and dry brush technique you are employing. I am a intermediate painter and I need more instruction.
Cheers folks. Really enjoying this project. Despite the cataclysmic blood loss. 😉
Great job on those claws! Blood-letting aside, they match really well
Be sure to follow these model assembly tips to avoid injury next time…
It blends in pretty well to be honest, fair play.
Yay… a blood offering while assembling models it's always a good omen.
BTW, the armor looks amazing. On a few months I will have to paint the Night Haunter myself for a friend and I am going to take yours as a guide, definitely. Cheers!
Glad to pass on the paint recipes sometime if it's helpful. I wouldn't say the real blood is essential to the scheme though.