Short review: Orruk Warclans Manifestations, Bossrokk Tower & Hobgrot Slittaboss
Get ready to unleash some serious green tide destruction with the new model releases for the upcoming Orruk Warclans models. your favorite greenskinned warriors. In this review, we’ll be delving into the kits of the Orruk Warclans Manifestations, the Bossrokk Tower/Skaregob Totem, and the mean and mighty Hobgrot Slittaboss. So, grab your choppas and scrap yer teef, because it’s time to get stuck in!
Stahly’s best miniature paints for Warhammer 2024/2025
This is my up-to-date list of the best miniature paints I tested. Over the years, I tested over a thousand paints from (almost) all miniature paint manufacturers out there. So the ultimate question is: Which acrylic paint range is the best for painting Warhammer miniatures in 2025? To answer this question, I compiled a list sorted by categories. Best acrylics, best metallic paints, best washes, and best airbrush paints.
Stahly’s Recap of 2024 and Hobby Resolution for 2025
The curtain falls on 2024. Join me as I take a look back at the hobby year that was. Here is my recap for 2024, including a gallery of all my painted models (Aeldari, Skaven, Death & lots of terrain), my goals for 2025, and a personal summary.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Reclusians
Today’s post is a celebration! Woohoo! I’ve completed the Stormcast Eternals half of the Skaventide launch set by painting my Reclusians to completion. In this post, I’ll share photos of my Reclusians and Memorians. I’ll also share an army pic of my Hallowed Knights collection so far.
WIP: Horus Ascended #3
There’s one model I’m really keen to finish this year: Horus Ascended. I painted about half of this colossal Primarch back in the spring, but then took a break to work on some Skaven and other models. Now, I’m finally getting back to it.
Review: Citadel Servo-skull palette
Games Workshop’s product design team often comes up with hobby accessories that make you wonder what they’ve been smoking. The Servo Skull palette combines a reusable silicone palette with a quirky grimdark design. In this review, we’ll take a closer look at this odd creation. I really wanted to love it, but…
Showcase: Blood Angels Sanguinary Priest
On today’s blog post, I’ll share pictures of my finished Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnought, check out how he did in a recent battle and there’s a recipe card showing how I painted the Dreadnought. There’s also a bonus army picture so you can see all 1720pts in their painted glory.
Showcase: Cadian Rogal Dorn Battle Tank
Hi everyone, hope this reaches you all safe and well in the busy lead up to Christmas. With the night’s drawing in, if you are like me, you are getting those lamps on and painting away regardless. I am pleased to be able to share photos of my Rogal Dorn Battle Tank. The Rogal Dorn is a “heavy” battle tank, with a vast array of weapon options. The Rogal Dorn can hold a battle line or move forward in a crushing advance with ease.
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