Short review: Legions Imperialis Dark Mechanicum Stalker Constructs & Heavy Stalkers
The pervasive influence of the Dark Mechanicum is now spreading to Legiones Astartes. For the first time, the Dark Mechanicum will be a playable faction in its own right. In this review, we’ll take a look at the new Stalker Constructs and the Serperos ‘Overlord’ Heavy Stalkers, and compare them to other Legiones Astartes kits to see how they measure up.
Showcase: Blood Angels Stormraven
On today’s blog post, I’ll share pictures of my finished Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnought, check out how he did in a recent battle and there’s a recipe card showing how I painted the Dreadnought. There’s also a bonus army picture so you can see all 1720pts in their painted glory.
Showcase: Warcry Azyrite Ruins gaming board (inc. painting guides)
Today’s the day I get to show you my completed Warcry board, packed full of all sorts of Azyrite Ruins. I’ve included pictures of all the terrain pieces and even a little painting guide.
Review: Kill Team: Brutal and Cunning
Get ready to dive into the first expansion of the new edition of Kill Team, Kill Team: Brutal and Cunning. The explosive Ork Wrecka Krew clashes with the cunning Ratlings. In this review, we’ll take a detailed look at high-resolution sprue images, explore the assembly options for the unique operatives, and break down the included terrain upgrades. This set delivers a lot to unpack – so let’s see what’s inside!
Showcase: Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnought
On today’s blog post, I’ll share pictures of my finished Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnought, check out how he did in a recent battle and there’s a recipe card showing how I painted the Dreadnought. There’s also a bonus army picture so you can see all 1720pts in their painted glory.
Showcase: Van Saar Tek Hunters & Orrus Spyre Hunters (inc. painting guides)
I had the opportunity to work with Garfy on the recent Necromunda: Hive Secundus release. Necromunda is one of my favourite games. Sadly, I have not had much opportunity to play the latest edition, this is something that I am hoping to rectify next year. However, I always follow the releases with great interest and have often purchased some of the gangs and models just because I love the characterful sculpts so much. I find they are perfect for using in narrative games of 40k as well.
Review: Notts Hobbies drybrushes & weathering set
We’ll be putting Notts Hobbies’ brushes and accessories to the test in today’s review. This new budget-friendly UK brand offers a range of tools for drybrushing and sponge weathering. We’ll be comparing them directly with popular brands like Artis Opus and The Army Painter and see how they can compare.
Showcase: Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard
On today’s blog post, I’ll share pictures of my finished Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard, check out how they did in a recent battle and there’s a recipe card showing how I painted them. There’s also a bonus pic showing all the models I managed to paint in October.
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