40k, Showcase

Showcase: Deathwatch Biker Jetek Suberei

Deathwatch Biker Jetek Suberei joins the ranks of completed models. This model is dripping in detail all of which had to be painstakingly picked out. I’ve carried over my ‘army of the imperium’ features onto this model; the blue lights, the blue power weapon and…

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WIP: Eldar Howling Banshees of Iybraesil #2

Hey there, quick update for the first batch of Banshees. I’ve finished the bodysuits and started working on the sashes and manes. The recipe for the suits is the same as I use for all the blank wraithbone across my Iybraesil collection: base colour of…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Deathwatch Terminator Garran Branatar

Garran Branatar is finished and I’m one step closer to finishing this mammoth squad. After the jump more pictures and I link you to three tutorials you’ll need to paint this model.  So to paint this model you will need to follow my Deathwatch tutorial…

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WIP: Eldar Howling Banshees of Iybraesil #1

Next up is a squad of Howling Banshees for my warhost of Craftworld Iybraesil. Inspired by the release of Eldrad Ulthruan, I felt inspired to add something to my Eldar collection. As Iybraesil is known for fostering many shrines of Howling Banshees, it was long…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Eldar Storm Guardians

Hey guys, today I was going to show some Tyranids, but thought why not show some Eldar Storm Guardians that I have just finished instead. The models are a combination of the Eldar Guardian box set along with the Finecast Storm Guardian upgrade set. The…

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WIP: Deathwatch Land Raider

Hey all, today I bring a half finished Deathwatch Landraider to Tale of Painters. I’m really digging the new Deathwatch releases. I think the models look great and I like the colour choice. The Landraider is pretty much the same Landraider that you can always…

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