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Hey guys, today I was going to show some Tyranids, but thought why not show some Eldar Storm Guardians that I have just finished instead.

The models are a combination of the Eldar Guardian box set along with the Finecast Storm Guardian upgrade set. The Finecast set was a pain as I forgot how annoying Finecast is to work with. I tried my hardest to clean the parts up as much as possible. It was a tough job. I went with a off white colour scheme inspired by 70’s sci-fi book covers. I always think 70’s sci-fi art when it comes to Eldar and Tau for some reason. Not certain why!! But I’m pretty happy with how they turned out. Next up I will show the Tyranids I was planning on putting up today. Also quite excited about picking up the new Kharn model on Saturday. I have stuck a photo of a Karn that I painted up years ago. Must be 4 years now. What do you guy’s think?