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Hey all, today I thought a bit of a time machine in work of some Blood Angel Terminators in WIP form that I was working on over Christmas.
They are actually finished now along with a large amount of other Blood Angels models and I should start posting photos in the coming weeks. One thing I noticed is that the new Blood Angel Terminators and Tactical Marines really do have so much detail on them compared to the regular Marines. GW really did put a lot of work into designing these guys. What do you think of the newly designed Blood Angels?
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how do you paint your purity seals, if you dont mind me asking 😀
I like the detail work but I found the mold lines on the tactical squad to be much more prevalent compared to the SM tactical squad.
Looking forward to seeing them finished, nice red by the way.
I also think the new marine kits are very good, the crispness and clarity of the details on the most modern sets are unparalleled when it comes to plastic as far as I'm concerned but then they did invest massively into the tech so it should be really.