Report: Austrian Salute 2014
On the 15th of March 2014 the fourth installment of this wargaming event, the biggest in Austria, took place in Oberndorf, close to Salzburg. 14 tables with demo- and participation games, a bunch of vendors, drinks, very good location. Altogether it was a smashing day….
Report: Garfy and Stahly visit Warhammer World
Stahly: I’ve spent a couple of days in London as part of my holidays, and as I hinted at in my last post, I spent one day at Warhammer World together with Garfy. We took a lot of photos of all kind of stuff we…
Report: Apocalypse games in the Austrian Lowlands
I had the honour to be invited to the annual Summer Carnage days at Krems. The guys there meet about two to four times a year for having a few days of dice, miniatures and Apocalypse games of Warhammer 40,000. The following article is not…
Report: Enter the Citadel July 12, Part 4: Studio Art Team and John Blanche
Marked_by_Chaos (James) back again with my fourth and final part of my report of the Enter the Citadel event at Warhammer World. Armed with another pint of the great Bugmans XXXXXX I took the opportunity to talk to the various studio personalities in the main…
Report: Enter the Citadel July 12, Part 3: ‘Eavy Metal Masterclass
Marked_by_Chaos (aka James) back with part 3 of my coverage of the “Enter the Citadel” event on July 12. Alongside the Q&A sessions there were a variety of hobby seminars throughout the day. These included hobby team sessions focused on projects tying in with Apocalypse and the recent Eldar…
Report: Enter the Citadel July 12, Part 2: Developing big miniatures
Hi, it’s Marked_by_Chaos (aka James) with part 2 of my report of the recent Design Studio open day on July 12 2013 at Warhammer World (dubbed “Enter the Citadel”). Check out part 1 about designing Eldar here. Having replenished my energy reserves with a “Fat Bloke” burger…
Report: Enter the Citadel July 12, Part 1: Developing the Eldar
Hi, it’s Marked_by_Chaos (aka James) back again with a report of the recent Design Studio open day on July 12 2013 at Warhammer World (dubbed “Enter the Citadel”). It was great to attend various seminars and tutorials and to talk at length with the guys…
Showcase: Screamers of Tzeentch plus: MASSIVE Salute 2013 report!
Hey fellas! After the test mini, here is a full …flock? flight? of finished Screamers of Tzeentch in extra feverdreamish-psychedelic colours! Unfortunately no bases on these guys because… well, they weren’t sent to me because it’s just flying bases anyhow so no need to send…
Report: A visit at GW Amsterdam
If you remember, I spent last week on a cruise ship as part of my job. Thankfully I had a lot of spare time to enjoy lots of fine food (you could have a five course meal for lunch and dinner without an extra charge) and free…
Report: Forgeworld Open Day 2013
Some of our facebook followers might have noticed I went to FW open day and was posting pictures of all the latest wip and releases including the horus heresy land speeder, new fellblade weaponry, legion praetors, troll mother and so much more. I thought I’d…
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