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This is your spoiler alert. Warhammer World has a new exhibition hall which is best viewed not knowing what to expect. If you’re planning a trip don’t read this post. However if curiosity has got the better of you, check out over 80 photos after the jump!

You walk through the entrance and up the stairs and the first thing you enter is a Games Workshop store.

Black Library and Forgeworld get their own permanent stores!

Design Studio

Exclusive to the reopening weekend is the Design Studio area. Lots of people from Phil Kelly, Jes Goodwin, Matt Holland, Darren Latham, Alan Bligh, Darren Parwood, Mark Bedford and many many more were there to chat and answer your questions. I had really enjoyable chats with Phil Kelly and Jes Goodwin. Phil remembered me from Warhammer Fest (might have something to do with the Tale of Painters shirt I was wearing). Both Phil and Jes are my hobby idols and I’m so happy to have met them and chatted to them. I also enjoyed distracting Matt Holland who was frantically trying to paint an Mechanicus Knight in a single day – legend!.

Fanboy achievement unlocked – Phil Kelly and Jes Goodwin autographs. 

New stuff from Forge World – Roboute Gillian and a Nurgle Daemon.

Thorne Lord of Skulls looks incredible with legs and their will be a Chaos Knight released.

Mars Ordinatus – Missing some sponson weapons.



The hotly anticipated Warlord Titan costs £1240.

The Show Stopping Exhibition Halls

The queue for the 1pm exhibition viewing going out the door. 

A trip down memory lane.


Jaw dropping Orc and Empire Diorama. 



Warhammer round bases anyone?




A small selection of glass cabinets packed with eavy metal painted models.

Skaven infest a Dwarf stronghold. Real glowing warpstone!

Nurgle marches to war

Ferrus Manus getting his ass kicked

Can you spot Ferrus and Fulgrim?

The ‘Fang’ gets updated with new units.

The new Adeptus Mechanicus models painted by the eavy metal team. 

Parading the Imperium’s armoured might. 



Imperial Knights.

I have no words… The Battle for Angelus Prime


Even in the distance the Warlord Titan towers over the battlefield.

Iyanden clash with Hive Fleet Kraken as a world tears itself apart around them


Hordes of gaunts swarm around biotitans

I think the Necron-Blood Angel bromance is over

Crimson Fists battle for survival on Rynn’s World.

Rogue Trader cover recreated.

An exclusive 48 page book detailing the Battle for Angelus Prime. The perfect momento after seeing the incredible display. Other exclusives include Space Marine Command Tanks, T-shirts and Hoodies.


Seriously, why are you still reading this? Get yourself to Warhammer World and be blown away. I had such a good time.  Highly recommended. Make the pilgrimage.

Other facilities include: ample car parking, Bugman’s Bar serving hot food, alcohol and selling Bugman specific paraphernalia , toilets and gaming tables.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay