WIP: Escher Heavy and Ganger #2
Update time! I’ve painted the grey clothes, the hair and the brown leather since my last post. Next up are the black leather areas. What do you think guys? How do you enjoy the candy pink?
WIP: Escher Heavy and Ganger #1
Next up for my Escher gang is the heavy with stubber and another ganger. For this batch I tried a grey primer, it’s Uniform Grey Colour Primer from The Army Painter. I thought the lighter basecoat would help me out for the bright colours I…
WIP: Escher Gangers and Juve finished!
Here they are, finally finished. I really like how they turned out! Notice how the juve doesn’t wear make up – this is only for the big girls. It took quite a while painting them – the models have a lot of very fine details…
WIP: Necromunda Escher Gangers and Juve #3
Got a little bit of painting done, and I like how my girls are shaping up. Left to do is painting random smaller details and the metal areas, clean up work and the base. I hope to finish them this weekend. How do you think…
WIP: Escher Gangers and Juve #2
Real life hasn’t treated me very kindly in the last couple of weeks, sadly this means that I have to focus on more important matters at the moment than painting little toys soldiers. Hopefully things will sort out over the next weeks, but until then,…
WIP: Necromunda Escher Gangers and Juve #1
So, the batch painting has begun! Here we have two gangers and a juve. So far I did the bases, the skin and the yellow. Probably the areas that take the most time to get right. Now, onto the details!
WIP: More Escher Assembling
Here are the remaining seven Escher models I haven’t cleaned and based yet. Fortunately I found the missing Ganger model (it’s the one on the far right), so the whole Escher range will be complete – 20 different sculpts in total. Amongst this bunch you…
WIP: Finished Necromunda Escher Test Model
Hey there, this weekend I painted a test model for my Escher gang and this is the final paint scheme I went for. For a long time I knew I wanted to give my ladies a darker, more contemporary paint job than on the ‘Eavy…
WIP: Necromunda Escher Gangers assembling
I spent the last couple of days at my parents’ house, and there is no good vacation without some hobby time. I brought all the Escher models I’ve already stripped and cleaned them up. This wasn’t very easy, as the models have very intricate details…
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