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I spent the last couple of days at my parents’ house, and there is no good vacation without some hobby time. I brought all the Escher models I’ve already stripped and cleaned them up. This wasn’t very easy, as the models have very intricate details and some of them distinctive mold lines, so I fear I might have damaged some details a little bit. For the bases, I used the gravel and barb wire I got from the Cities of Death basing set, which I’ve purchased a long time ago and never really used.

So far, there are 13 models prepared. I’ve got 19 of the 20 different Escher sculpts (I thought I had all twenty, but today I noticed my lot is missing one of the girls with a lasgun) plus a couple of duplicates. My aim is to own a painted version of each sculpt, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna paint them all at a stretch. I might paint a small legal gang and then do something different, adding more painted models every now and then over the time.