Showcase: Adeptus Mechanicus Ironstrider Ballistarius
Hey all, a super quick one today as I have family over and getting access to our laptop is proving difficult. I thought I’d show the Ironstrider Ballistarius that I finished about a week ago. The model just like the Ruststalkers is a extremely fragile…
Showcase: Adeptus Mechanicus Sicarian Ruststalkers
Hey folks, today on Tale of Painters I bring the new Sicarian Ruststalkers that I finished yesterday. I’m really liking the new Adeptus Mechanicus models a lot and these guys really remind me of General Grievous and his guards. Which is a good thing as…
Showcase: Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii Rangers
Hey all, today on Tale of Painters I bring you the new Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii Rangers. I am really liking the new models for this army and all the fluff that surrounds the codex. I think it’s always exciting seeing a new range of models…
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