Soulblight Gravelords is my dream army. I have epic dreams of legions of skeleton warriors dying only to rise up again and continue the march. There is a special place in my heart for these minis being that they are the first set I every painted. So I thought I would share those early experiments here and talk about how it really helped me grow as a painter. So here is my contribution to Soulblight week some deadly and dead Skeleton Warriors painted in December of 2019.

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I picked up these 5 dudes for 7 dollars at a local hobby shop. All I knew was that skeletons are cool and I want a million of them. After doing some research online and reading some articles I was lost on how to paint these tiny pieces of plastic. Everywhere I looked was a different example on how to paint bone. I was trapped in analysis paralysis; so I decided to try them all. Washing one skeleton in Seraphim Sepia, and another Agrax Earthshade, dry-brushing one and doing my best to edge highlight another. By the end of it I had 5 very different looking skeletons but I learned a-lot on the way. Enough to finally take on a bigger box and maybe one of the greatest kits Games Workshop has ever made.

After doing all those experimentations I had a good idea on where I wanted to take my army. I started with a green and oxidized bronze look that felt would bring a little more life to this army of the dead. The experimenting with techniques and trying to new things that really helped me to get to this point though. Sometimes you just have to do some throw aways before you find what you are looking for. 99 percent of art is throwaway after all. With the release of a brand new Skeleton Warriors kit my fire for skeletons has been once again awoken. Even if it is a slow burn. Someday I will have my army of skeletons but until then its just these 10 to keep me happy.

Hope you liked seeing some of my process. Let me know if you have any love for skeletons regardless of their age below with a comment or a reaction.