Showcase: Fyreslayers Vulkite Bezerkers
I’ve finished a new addition to my Fyreslayers, a unit of Vulkite Bezerkers! See more after the jump! I was really happy when I finished painting these, partly because it felt like it took forever to paint them, painting lots of the same thing felt…
Showcase: Fyreslayers Grimwrath Bezerker
The second addition to my Fyreslayers is the lovely model, the Grimwrath Bezerker! I really enjoyed painting this model, I think it is probably my favourite of the character models released for the Fyreslayers. I love the character in the model and how dynamic his…
Showcase: Auric Hearthguard Fyreslayers
I’ve finished my first unit of my new project for Age of Sigmar! The Auric Hearthguard of the Lofnir Lodge. I am really pleased with them, and I really enjoyed painting them too. They are based the same as my Ogors, which you can see…
WIP: Auric Hearthguard Fyreslayers #1
My next project for Age of Sigmar after completing Archaon is the new Fyreslayers! Here is a WIP photo so far, I’ve started off by painting a unit of the Auric Hearthguard and focussed on painting one model first so I could get a feel for…
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