A couple of weeks ago I shared the first 5 Assault Intercessors, I’ve now finished the remaining members of the squad so this post is an update. Whilst we’re talking about updates, I’ve changed how I paint my Dark Angel green armour. Read on to find out.

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I posted my tutorial on how to paint Dark Angels over 6 years ago and since then things have changed. We have bigger Primaris Space Marines and Contrast paints. It makes sense then that my paint scheme would have changed a little. My original paint scheme base coated the model with Caliban Green and then you made a Glaze from Lahmian Medium and Warpstone Glow and gradually blended some highlights. This is where things change slightly.

I now create a glaze with plain old water and Warpstone Glow. I found the Lahmian Medium was giving my models a semi gloss like sheen which I wasn’t really into because my photography flashlites were reflecting off the gloss. I can glaze and blend with water and Warpstone perfectly fine.

So what I would do first with my Water and Warpstone Glaze is apply a chunky thick translucent highlight around the edges. I’d then go over this again with a slightly thinner highlight. The translucent layers building up in intensity. Then I’d make a really thin glaze and go over the chunky edges and blend them into the Caliban Green armour.

The next step of edge highlighting with Moot Green is the same but then we change again. At this stage in the old guide I would wash the model with Biel-Tan Green to help blend the layers together. Well I’ve done that in the previous step with that really thin Water and Warpstone Glaze. Instead, what I do now is just line the panel lines with Dark Angels Green Contrast. This really helps define the green armour areas.

I’m not sure if these changes warrant a new tutorial, maybe my time would be better spent on a little video on how I glaze layers? Let me know in the comments.

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