40k, Showcase

Ultramarines: Command Squad

The theme of my command squad is going helmetless, I just thought it makes them look more heroic. The squad has the limited Gamesday Seargent. I replaced the power sword of the Company Champion with an axe, as I thought it would fit the Ultramarines…

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40k, Showcase

Ultramarines: Land Speeder

I think I overdid with those scratches but oh well. Painting Land Speeders takes really long, because in addition to a reasonable big vehicle you also have to paint the crew. It would be nice to have a second Land Speeder but atm I can’t…

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40k, Showcase

Ultramarines: Whirlwind/Rhino

With swapable parts you can choose to use this vehicle as either a Whirlwind or a Rhino. While I heard that a Whirlwind isn’t really a competative choice, I had to add one to my army as the old Mk I metal Whirlwind was the…

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