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Along with Marneus Calgar I found some old marine models of mine and stripped them very cleanly.
There is an Apothecary, Terminator Seargent, Terminator with Cyclone Missile Launcher, a Veteran Seargent, a melta and plasma gunner from the Bike Squadron kit, a Devastator and the parts for a Whirlwind. They come as seen and without any additional parts.
Drop me a comment with your offer, I can ship to Germany and the UK/Europe for a reasonable amount, US might be more expensive.
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
If you still have these parts, I'd be more than happy to take the following:
* Vet Sergeant
* Terminator Sergeant
* Devastator body
* Apothecary
* Whirlwind parts
I'll offer $20 US + shipping via PayPal.
Since I don't trust giving my email out publicly, you can find me on and the B&C (Bolter & Chainsword forum) as the username CarbonCopy.
Thanks in advance!