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It’s Aurélie, I’m back with two Tyranid beasts from my latest commission, a Carnifex and a Trygon, painted with an intriguing colour shifting effect. Check out more pictures after the jump.
I got the colour shifting paint from a local craft store. It’s also known as “flip effect paint”, “flip flop paint”, or “chameleon paint”. I applied the paint with an airbrush in about three thin layers over a black basecoat.
If you can’t source the paint locally, GreenStuffWorld also offers a range of “colorshift” acrylic paints, specifically made for tabletop and scale models. I haven’t tried them yet though.
Have you experimented with colour shifting paints yet? How do you like the effect on my Tyranids? Leave your reaction or comment below!
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That's really cool, and something I haven't seen before in miniatures! Reminds me of some real beetle shells I've seen.
Will the Trygon be getting a base? And I think the Carnifex's base could use some additional detail, compared to the model it looks a bit unfinished.