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Some new hobby purchases: After I read about the Vallejo Black Lava texture paint on Oni’s and PX’s blog I wanted to give it a try for my Skaven. I used it on my Clanrat from yesterday and it came out great, also it makes basing a little bit easier and quicker. I’ll provide a more detailed review in the future. I also bought a synthetic Army Painter Monster Brush, a sturdy brush for heavy duty work. Then we have Vallejo Plastic Putty, a very fine acrylic resin filler you can use to fill gaps on tanks. Finally I’ve got this Seam-Scraper tool from Micro-Mark I was pointed to by this video of Les. My initial impression was that the tool felt a bit cheap because it was covered in grease I had to get rid of first. But let’s see how it works out.

Almost forgot, the new (German) White Dwarf issued arrived (I’m always getting mine early because I’ve got a subscription). Feels like a very packed issue with a lot of content, my personal highlights are the “Ask ‘Eavy Metal” section with a lot of useful advice suitable for various armies, the 6 pages of backstory of the happenings on Island of Blood and the showcase of the mind-blowing Island of Blood table by terrain mastermind Dave Andrews. WD gets always a lot of bashing, but the magazine has really improved over the last two or three years. I’m always looking forward to the next issue.