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I don’t normally stray away from Marines, but increasingly commissions are coming in for things I can really get my creative energy behind. When I was asked to to a few squads of Imperial Guard Veterans with a variety of interesting weapons I couldn’t resist!
This squad includes a small dioramma of a heavy bolter team, sniper, grenade launcher, vox caster and squad leader with power weapon.
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Looks awesome, just one question how did you make the wall for the heavy weapon team, thanks
These are by far the best painted Cadians I've ever seen!
I like them (except head from sniper). Very nice vet's…
Can we get some tutorial for painting Cadians, maybe?
Vere you get those backpacks?
Very cool Veteran Squad!
I think the Heavy Bolter diorama is the best one, I love how the gun shield has been strapped into the cover. 🙂