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Hi everyone, Aurélie here, I’m back. I had a lot of fun painting the really Great Brass Scorpion from Forge World! The assembling process took some time, because I had to find out how to magnetize the legs and weapons for better transport. Actually I found out that magnetizing the legs isn’t a good idea, because it’s nearly impossible to determine the required position, so that the model stands steady and stable. But at least it’s easy to magnetize the weapons. After the jump more pictures and a short painting guide.



1. After cleaning all the resin parts I glued the main pieces and legs with J-B Weld, which requires 8 hours to dry. To magnetize the weapons I used four 5x2mm (front) and two 4x2mm (back) rare-earth (neodyme) magnets.

2. I used Chaos Black spray for priming, then Vallejo Hull Red was airbrushed on the model.

3. Liberator Gold was then airbrushed over the armour plates and all areas of metalwork.

4. Fine swirling patterns of Vallejo Silver were applied (used 0,2mm needle). This undercoat will provide a shimmering glow for the glaze layers later.

5. I mixed Vallejo Hull Red with Vallejo Fire Red (3:1) to apply swirling patterns (I noticed that the red was too bright initially, so I applied another darker layer later).


6. Now it’s time for glazing, which is the most fun 🙂 I airbrushed several layers of Tamiya Clear Red to obtain the desired result. Once dry, I’ve built up additional layers of Clear Orange and Clear Blue to provide depth and shading.


7. An oil wash with dark brown and black. After drying for half an hour, excess oil was wiped off with a lint-free cloth.

8. For the highlights I applied silver over the rivets, edges and weapon parts.

9. The highlights for the tubes was a mix of The Fang and Abaddon Black.

How do you like the finished model?

See you, 
