Showcase: Terminators from the Tale of Painters #2
You forget, over the years, how much you have painted in your time. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not that old. Not even 40 yet, but that still gives me a span of over 25 years since getting into the hobby and that is...
Showcase: Tempestus Scions
Hello troops, once again its been a while and for that my sincere apologies. My gratitude as always to my fellow bloggers for wholeheartedly holding down the fort while the less committed among us (read – Rev) swan about painting slowly and posting even slower!...
Showcase: Night Lords Kill Team
Greetings bloggers. Once again I find myself offering an apology for the huge gap inbetween posts. Its an interesting trend I’ve noticed over 15 years of this hobby. Some years I see huge churn of minis, others years are quiet. The good thing however, is...
WIP: Dark Elf Blood Bowl Team
Another Blood Bowl team! I know some of the ToP readers don’t play Blood Bowl, but I have no idea why that might be, it is the game of kings. This was supposed to be a wood elf project, but alas it went wrong. After...
WIP: Test fig 1 Vampire themed Blood Angels
Ever since I saw this pic, I wanted to do a Blood Angel in the same theme. I finally got a break in the programme recently to give it a go. Pictures and recipe after the jump. Some people are saying save it for the...
Showcase: High Elf Blood Bowl Team
I know what you’re thinking troops – it’s been a while. And you’d be right. My last post was in Q1 of this year and it’s now deep into Q4. I was away with work for a bit, and came back to a very broken...
Chat: What goes around comes around
A few years ago when the SM codex which allowed bikes to combat squad and count as troops was released I decided to paint an Iron Hands bike themed army. A few years later I sold it to a guy in Australia. Today they showed...
Showcase: Minotaur Terminators
I finally finished phase 1 of the minotaur kitbash project, culminting in 6 terminators. I’ll put the minotaur project on hold now until Christmas for work reasons, at which point I’ll be adding some anti tank options to get the army ready to sell. So...
Chat: Scrapbooking & Resourcing for inspiration
I nearly entitled this article, ‘the real reason to buy white dwarf’ but I didn’t want to provoke fury, so I went with the much more honest option which is scrapbooking, collecting resources and inspiring yourself. In the last ten years I’ve managed to fill...
WIP: Minotaurs army
I’m nearing completion of this speedpainted Minos army. I’ve got a unit of Termies, devs and assault marines remaining – and after the jump you’ll see pics of 2 tactical squads (with some devs mixed in) and a few HQ elements. The scheme is designed...
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