I’ve been collecting Tyranids since the mid 1990s. My current Tyranid collection is 15,000pts strong but the models were painted over the course of a decade so the quality varies completely. I’m tempted to start a new Tyranid army when the Codex is released, a new army means new colour scheme. I thought I’d have a go at painting the three main Hive Fleets and see if any of them take my fancy. What one do you like? Do you think I should change my scheme for one of the major fleets? Or should I come up with a new scheme?
Would anyone like to see tutorials of the above models? Let me know in the comments.
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I'm glad to hear there will be a painting tutorial soon, I'm actually tentatively planning on starting Tyranids once the new Codex drops and I would love to see some painting tutorials from you.
Going for an original paint scheme is great, I plan on going with Hive Fleet Dagon (Which I believe is the color scheme in the middle of your pic) but it'd be exciting to see what other people come up with.
I like your existing scheme rather that GW branded mainstream ones that we have all heard of and see too often. Keep it original, keep it real. Booyakasha…
I think you're right. I might just start a new army but with a tidied up version of my scheme. I want to change the basing to desert bases to match all my other forces. OK thanks HwG. That's that settled.
Wow everyone, thank you for the overwhelming support and opinions.
I'm pleased to announce which scheme will be made into a tutorial…
All three will be tutorials on the blog real soon! I love you guys too much to just tease you one tutorial 😀
Leviathan FTW!
+1 for Behemoth scheme <o/
Personally I love the leviathan scheme. The fleshy white tone really sets off the model in my opinion. That said, I'd love to see tutorials for all of them.
I've always been a sucker for Kraken and did my own variation of it for my army (replaced the red with lime green and did rorschachs on the carapace instead of stripes). I'd love to see your tutorials but think overall you should just make a new scheme.
I prefer the blending on the left one.
I like the first one, but then I am a sucker for the classics.
Personally, i would create an entirely new hive fleet, with cues from all the tyranids you have seen and painted, using all the elements you like the best. Also, with the new cosex, it is strongly suggested that there will be a 'fleet' tactics, ao creating a new one will let you be ble to use any you choose without. Nyone throwing a hissy fit. Tutorials please!!!!
When I chose my fleet way back when, I chose kraken. But now I had wished I had used one with a llittle more varied colours. Everything painted with hawk turquoise always pops in my opinion, but are they too close to your other swarm, or is it the next evolutionary state.
Maybe a new fleet to get the creative juices going
I really like the Leviathan scheme – I think it is the most 'alien' and creepy looking of the hive fleets. I am also a raving nut for the fluff for leviathan! I know you are busy but do you feel a Leviathan tutorial is of the cards (when the new dex is released?).
I suggest creating your own colour scheme…i always see Tyranids as a very adaptable race, usually adjusting to the environment around them. So I would love to see your colour scheme relating to your basing environment.
Those look nice, but I'd be more interested in seeing your own color scheme.
Tutorials please
As far as main hive fleets go I like Behemot the most. I always preferred darker colors – possibly with some black or charcoal grey. It really helps to sell the Terror from the Deep Space vibe 😉
My advice? Just use your favorite colors and color combinations. With Tyranids you can get away with almost everything.
DO WANT! In fact, necessary now that nids seem to be confirmed.
The purple one with the weapon and claws of the second one would be my favorite