Regular followers will know last year I purchased a mint, still in shrink wrap copy of Warhammer 40,000 2nd edition. So far I’ve painted all 20 Space Marines. With 40 Gretchin (known nowadays as Grots) and 20 Orks left to paint I thought I would try and concentrate on this project and finish it. Read on to see what’s going on in my brain today…
I really enjoy painting boxsets. In recent years I’ve completed Dreadfleet, Warhammer Quest, The Hobbit and Tyranid Attack. I would love to complete the 2nd edition boxset and then maybe paint the 6th edition boxset. If I could do this before the 7th edition box set is out that would be great. The problem is I don’t collect Dark Angels. I guess I could paint the Dark Angels as Ultramarines, but I don’t need anymore Terminators. Maybe I should just paint them as Dark Angels and treat them as allies for either my Ultramarines or Grey Knights.
Back to the Gretchin, these were quick to paint with a total of 17 steps. I painted a test piece and lined up all the paints in the order I painted the test piece. Then I looked at which paints/steps I could drop and combine to speed things up. This corner cutting will really help me get through all 40 of these little buggers. Initially I was going to batch paint all 40 in one go, but I’ve decided on four batches of ten models. Each batch paint will be slightly different as I move the cloth colours around to add a slightly random rag-tag look to the unit.
As always, I have a question for the readers who made it this far. The box set includes a cardboard Ork Dreadnought (contemporarily known as a Deff Dread). I plan on playing through the three missions in the box with my painted models and I don’t want to cheapen the hard work with a cardboard cutout. So my question to you is do I try and source the original nostalgic Dreadnought model or shall I buy the awesome new plastic Deffdread model? I really like the Deffdread model but it might look out of place with my retro Orks and Gretchin. What would you do?
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Since you've already broken down your Gretchin into a step by step process, is there any chance of us getting a step by step walkthrough? I ask somewhat selfishly, as I've recently come into possession of quite a few old Orc and Gretchin models. :p
Very excited to see this! They look great so far, btw.
A tutorial is going to add a lot of time to the project and I really want to speed through these 40. I will post paint recipes and tips in future WIP posts.
Glad you bought the old one. It will look much better with the Box set. I just started painting my 6th edition box set. I'd say go with painting them as Dark Angels and add in you test model to boost the squad.
Those Gretchin are looking very very nice.
I feel like I'm repeating myself all the time at the moment, but I keep getting surprised at how many of us are working on some of the old Orks figures right now.
Well, the 40K paintset Dark Angels you painted would sure look good as a tutorial… *nudges-nudges* <.<
Source the old dreadnought!
Done and bought thanks to Anonymous above.
I'm enjoying your efforts on the 2nd edition figures. Do you have photos of what you did with Warhammer Quest? I think I missed those.
In my previous life to Tale of Painters I used to exclusively use photobucket to host to my pictures and share on forums. I've just logged on and they're all still there.
Thanks for the link. Some lovely work there. Very inspiring for when I come to paint my set.
No problem I'm glad you like it. I sold my fully painted copy and made nearly £700. Was well happy with that 🙂
THANK YOU Anonymous! I just bought it 🙂
Well that escalated quickly. But yeah, I would have said the same source the old!
hah- that's funny. I was just about to post:
Sadly that's the wrong one Dieter. I needed the previous incarnation. Thanks for looking though.