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Following up the success of our last promotion, Slave to Painting again offer 20% off storewide until the end of May, just add the code TOFPMAY2014 at checkout to redeem the discount.

Slave to Painting offers a great range of miniatures and miniature painting accessories for all your wargaming needs. Vallejo, The Army Painter, Secret Weapon washes and brushes, as well as custom bases and conversion bits by Micro Art Studio, Scibor and more. Bags, gaming accessoires and models by Avatars of War, Mantic, Infinity, and many more. Based in New Zealand, they ship also to Australia, the USA and the rest of the world.

Their service and community involvement is second to none with raving customer reviews about their delivery times and great painting tips from the Chief Slave and members of the community. Just head over to claim your discount or check out the tutorials. Also join their Facebook community, stay up to date with their latest promotions and raffles and interact with the community.