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Some of you may have seen the tutorial I posted for painting Daemonettes, well I’m pleased to say I’ve finished my batch paint and completed the unit of Daemons. More pictures after the jump.

This is another unit complete from the Wrath & Rapture boxed set. In total I’ve painted the 5 Flesh Hounds, 10 Bloodletters and now 10 Daemonettes. I’ve nearly finished 3 Bloodcrushers. All that’s left is 5 Seekers and 3 fiends. I’m not sure if I’ll paint Karanak or the Enrapturess as they don’t really fit into my army plans.

I’m excited to see how this paint scheme works with the Fiends and Seekers (and eventually a Keeper of Secrets).  I think it could look quite striking altogether.

Just to finish this post with a scenic shot. I’m quite happy with the story this one tells. It’s very Greek myth with Zeus and the Underworld vibes.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay