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Hey all, hope all is good. I’ve just returned from a well needed holiday from painting and now refueled to pick up the brush and get on with some new work. On return to the UK I was just in time to pick up the new Dark Eldar Haemonculus and the new plastic Wracks.
Personally I love the new model for the Haemonculus and being able to have the Wracks in plastic rather than the easily breakable older Finecast ones. The new Wrack box also gives you 2 extra models that you can use on a Venom. The extra bonus is a nice touch as I did not expect that from GW. Anyway I’ve posted some photos below. What do you think of the new Dark Eldar models? Are you excited about the new codex?
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Hi! Your Wracks are wonderful! May I ask how did you do that black vest and metal color?
Any chance of a tutorial on how do the black armour?
Thankyou TEN, now i see the layers of your work…i know that technique. I'm curious to try this skintone but with a "purple" wash!
I think it should work. That technique is pretty easy to pull off.
Hey cheers all for the kind words 🙂
Dark Eldar really work for your style. I quite like these. Whatever you put on the blades, blood? grease stains? really needs some work because it doesn't look right for the scale. I mean that since it has pooled in some places, you can tell that this are small models. Does that make sense? I guess you can really only tell on the wrack's knife-blade on our far left in the last picture, so maybe its not a big deal. If you want to prevent that from happening again, you can push and pull the substance around while it dries, breaking the surface tension down so that the droplets are smaller. Hope that helps. Keep on painting!
Blown away. Absolutely perfect for your style
The best infantry models you have ever done.
Very cool work.
This is the way at how they have to be done!!! Disgustingly beautiful!
The skintone is Palid Wytch flesh?
Hi Andrea, it wasn't palid flesh. I basically used a Zenethal (if that's how you spell it) technique using a grey highlight sprayed from 45 degrees and then a white highlight sprayed from the top. The colour was used from GW washes brown/flesh and a bit of green. Then wiped off.
I'm gonna go change my pants now, that was just…..too much, too beautiful
Your painting style lends intself beautifully to these models. They are absolutely gorgeous — and very disturbing, although that seems to be par for the course when it comes to Haemonculi and their playfellows 😉
They look brutal, the skin and gore on that coat is amazing!
Really nice job. That haemonculus looks fantastic!