I finished the Ranger squad for my craftworld Iybraesil recently, so I thought it’s time for some boys in blue again. I chose to paint a model that I picked up during my trip to London and Warhammer World last year: the Stormtalon. I wasn’t too fond of the model when it was released. In fact I hated it, because of the strange proportions and all the weird angles and features of the hull that make the model unnecessarily complex. I like my marine vehicles boxy and angular. While all of Forgeworld’s recent flyershave been brilliant, I feel GW struggles with designing flyers. In terms of looks, there isn’t a single original flyer kit from GW yet that I’m fully satisfied with.
Anyways, after having seen a couple of conversions and modifications from other hobbyists, I felt confident that I would be able to change the model more to my liking. The tutorials from Gnoks and Beasts of War were good starting points for this. As you can see, I removed the underslung assault cannon turret and put the assault cannons in the gap for a less front-heavy silhouette. To offset these changes I also shortened the lower fin at the rear. I like the sleeker silhouette much more. I still don’t think the model is perfect, but some air support will be a welcome addition to my Ultramarines after all.
How do you like the look of the Stormtalon? Have you converted yours as well or seen a great conversion? Tell me in the comments before it’s too late 😉
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It does look less front heavy, on the other hand, it does not have a 360 deg of firing arc which is the reason for the turret
Hey Stahly, it's gnoks, not Grok 😀
I'm happy that you liked my conversion! Thanks for linking 🙂
How embarrassing… I fixed it 😉
Nice work! I love flyer conversions. Look at all that flat space…The internet demands some nice freehand, weathering and battle damage on this one methinks!
I'll do my best, freehands are Garfy's domain though 😉
I'm just working on mine now too, and I agree it looks too front heavy and complicated. I've also upped the assault cannons like you and I'm figuring out a way to mount the missles on the top of the hull or under the wings (the pods come out just a little too large to look right attached to the engines I feel…