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It’s the end of the month and you’re here to check to see if I’ve failed to complete painting my models from the monthly subscription to Conquest! Just looking at the picture above should be answer enough, but yes, yes I have completed everything before the next sub arrives. I’m still on track! After the jump I share the pictures of the armies so far and some thoughts.

I guess I want to start by talking about the 4 issues of the magazine. There was some nice content this month. Issue 19 gave us some light background on Felthius and his Blighted Cohort Terminators as well as the data sheet rules for these models. Issue 20 gave us some basic information on Space Marines Successor Chapters and the Codex Astartes. Issue 21 featured 4 paragraphs of background story on some Space Wolf Reivers and Hellblaster weaponry, it also touches on some Imperial Worlds and also Mortarion. Magazine 22 expands on the background of the Codex Astartes, The Deathguard background, the Great Crusade and Worlds of the Imperium. We received a rules sheet, a paint brush and a basing paint as well as the models pictured above. overall it’s all ok. Not a bad month.

This is bitter sweet. It’s sweet that I have a lovely collection of Primaris Marines in a reasonably short period of time (6 months) but it’s bitter because the squad sizes are all off. I’m going to list what’s in the picture above.

1x Lieutenant

1x Librarian

3x Aggressors

2x Hellblasters

1x Inteceptor

7x Intercessors

8x Reivers

1x Redemptor

It’s going to be month’s until Conquest send out the models required to finish the squads to their correct sizes. I have the parts to build 2 Reivers so that I will fix. I’m really tempted to paint two Inceptors from my Dark Imperium set so when the Conquest ones arrive I’ll end up with a squad of 5. I guess we’ll see what I can get done. Ok, Deathguard next.

So the Deathguard I’ve been adding to a little here and there to fix their squad sizes already. I’ve painted 10 additional Pox Walkers bringing the total up to 22. That’s actually 2 over the unit size but I know we have a lot more coming from Conquest. I also dipped into my Dark Imperium and paint a Plague Champion to make the Plague marines a Favoured squad number of 7. All in all the Death Guard are feeling more like an army. Theres some HQs, a couple of squads, elites and a vehicle.

So what’s happening next month?

Bit of an odd one this. We’re getting the Redemptor Dreadnought! It’s spread over two issues (24, 25).  23 is some old scatter terrain (more crates and barrels) and 26 is paint. That’s not actually that much I need to paint. I’m thinking it’s completely possible to start reinforcing the Primaris units by dipping into my Dark Imperium set.

Hope you’re enjoying my progress. It’s been 6 months so far and I’m still really into it. I wonder if I can say the same in the next 6 months.

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