It feels great to get these models finally finished. They’ve been undercoated black and sat on my shelf since the Space Hulk came out in 2009. Check out some close ups after the jump including a full brood of twenty with their Brood Lord.
I really enjoyed just grabbing these off the shelf and painting them. They were’t planned and it was totally sporadic.
Reds, pinks and bone colours are some of the hardest to paint over a black undercoat. It takes several layers to get nice, bright results. A batch paint of nine models took some time (nearly two weeks).
I think I may have caught the bug (pun intended) to paint more Tyranids. I really enjoyed painting the Toxicrene. I bought the Deathstorm boxset, so I have the new Tyranid Warriors, a Carnifex, eight Genestealers and the limited edition Brood Lord to paint now. The Brood Lord, also known as the Spawn of Cryptus is very similar to the Space Hulk Brood Lord pictured below. The Spawn of Cryptus is the next model on my painting table.
Here’s the completed brood. I love the sculpts of these, even the ones with only three arms. Watch this space for my Tyranid posts soon.
Were you guys planning on doing a review of Deathstorm?
I hadn't considered it. I might do though.
Steven, I guess I can safely say I got you covered there.
Looking good , if pink and red are so difficult to paint over a black primer why prime in black in the first place ?
Nice work, even so the first thing I thought was that the pink hands and head in combination with the red body lets them look like wearing spandex. Maybe the Tyranid bobsleigh Team? 😉
Cannot unsee.
Love them. Such a striking palette. Fits well into the rest of your Tyranids. Looking forward to seeing your Deathstorm models as well.
Don't really understand the flock on them however, it's a bit weird to see a Genestealer bursting from the ship's seams and some vegetation next to it 🙂
It's not a ship. It's an underground bunker or a sewer pipe. Or if you insist on it being a ship, it's a crashed space ship and the genestealers have just made planet fall. The world is doomed.
Obviously compromises have to be made if I want to base these to match my army.
Touché! I forget you gotta have some imagination in this hobby 🙂
Also I forgot to mention some of the Genestealers have a different hue in the last photo. Did you manage that with a glaze or a set of different paints altogether?
I painted the first batch with Vallejo back in 2009. This new batch was with GW paints.
I couldn't remember how I painted the other ones exactly.
Interesting fact, the original batch I painted in 2009 picked up a finalist pin at Salute in London for Sci Fi squad.
really nice models, but seriously how can you not be working on smaug reight now? 😀
These were finished just before I purchased Smaug. Posts get scheduled for the blog.
Ssaying that, I still haven't started Smaug. I've been really distracted with Deathstorm. It's a fantastic box set. I really like.