A week ago, I couldn’t have even told you the name of this unit. Winged bat people would have been my guess. I knew the kit existed but it just never registered as something I thought I needed in my life. Now what I needed was a Zombie Dragon and after exploring my options I thought I’d get the Flesh Eater Courts Start Collecting Set which also included the parts and instructions for these Vargheists. I was pleasantly surprised by this kit I’d never given a second thought to before. Fun to assemble, great dynamic posing and very rewarding to paint.
I can use these Vargheists in my Warcry Warband, and they’re one of the first complete units I’ve painted for my Path to Glory narrative force. All I need to do now is find some local players to get some games in.
Painting them was really simple as I’d already worked out I wanted them to match my Vargskyr from Cursed City. Check out the link below for the complete tutorial. I copied it exactly, the only change was a couple of extra highlight steps on the wing membranes using Kislev Flesh and then Screaming Skull.
What’s the next project? I’m going to ride the undead soul train a little longer but I’m going to get off at the Ulfenkarn station and paint some bat swarms. I might also try and paint the Death Rattle Skeletons too because that’s all that’s left of my Cursed City boxed set to paint and I do love finishing a boxed game.
These have now become available as big guys in the new blood bowl vampire team. A box of three AOS Vargheists is the same price as one blood bowl Forge World Vargheist!
Thanks for the tutorial, they look amazing!