Hey all, continuing with my recent theme of showcasing models that I painted several years ago I bring the Forge World Warpfire Dragon.
I love this model and it only makes me wish that Forge World would return to creating more Warhammer Fantasy models again. I heard that a new Skaven model is in the work’s, but would love to see the Chaos Dwarf range finished off along with some other strangeness. Even though I painted this a few years ago I still think he looks good. The head reminds me a lot of the Brood Queen in James Camerons Aliens. What do you guy’s think? Would you like to see more Warhammer Fantasy models from Forge World, or a you happy with the recent flow of the Horus Heresy saga? Let me know as I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.
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I'm very sad about Warhammer Forge disappearing. I sunk a lot of money into that sinking ship…
Its is sad as a lot of those fantasy models have been shown as wip in the past at shows etc.
The Warpfire dragon look awesome and excellent choice of colours.
So I really love to see more Warhammer fantasy models in Forge World. I am waiting to get that Vampire count Nercofux or something like that and hoping to see every monster model from Monster Arcanum. I agree with you I would like to see complete Chaos Dwarf army. I do enjoying Horus heresy models, I am huge fan of Night Lords. So I really like to see more Warhammer Fantasy model in future.