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There is nothing better than celebrating the holidays with a bunch of crazed, psychopathic murderers, isn’t it? In this post I present you a couple of pictures of the Trueborn Warriors I painted just a while ago, check them out after the jump.

My Trueborn Warriors are a small squad armed with three blasters that ride in a Venom, a combination often nicknamed as “Blasterborn”. The other two warriors are armed with splinter carbines from the Scourges sprue.


Below you can see the squad with their Venom, which I painted earlier this year.

Here are two Trueborn Warriors and two regular Kabalite Warriors. I saved all the heads with topknots for my trueborn to give them a more ornate look. I also gave them more golden armour parts and added some extra details like the impaled skulls. On the other hand, I removed some of the spikes of the regular Warriors so that they would look more plain in comparison, too.

All in all a subtle but effective conversion. What do you think?