While I’m waiting for Leviathan and the new Warhammer 40.000 edition like all of you, I wanted to use the time until then to paint the remaining models from my Blood Bowl Shambling Undead team. After my first test model which I painted a couple of months ago I follow up with a pair of Zombies.

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Two Blood Bowl Shambling Undead Zombies on a white background painted by Stahly

How to paint Shambling Undead Zombies

Like with my Skeleton player before, I started with a basecoat of Warpaints Air Oak Brown and applied zenithal highlights of Warpaints Air Charred Bone and Warpaints Air Bleached Bone. After a drybrush of P3 Menoth White Highlight I applied an all-over wash of Dreadful Visage, glazes and spots of Magos Purple, and highlights with a mix of Slaanesh Grey and Reaper Master Series Leather White.

The guts were painted with Speedpaint Moody Mauve (from the updated 2.0 range I reviewed here), then layered and highlighted with Vallejo Model Color Violet, Kakophoni Purple, and finally a mix of Kakophoni Purple and Reaper Master Series Leather White.

Back view of two Blood Bowl Shambling Undead Zombies on a white background painted by Stahly

You can find all of the other paint recipes I used in this post:

A detailed step-by-step tutorial will be June’s freebie on my Patreon, feel free to support me and Tale of Painters there.

Cinematic shot of two Blood Bowl Zombie players and dice on a gaming board

Hope you like my take on the Shambling Undead team, I can’t wait to paint the remaining models and give them a spin on the pitch. In Blitz Bowl, Shambling Undead teams are quite unique, as they have a team of seven instead of six players. I’m really curious to see how this translates to their playstyle.

Let me know if you have any questions, put them in the comments below or join us on our friendly hobby Discord server. Thanks a lot, and happy hobbying!