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Hey all, today I thought I’d show the Imperial Knight Warden that I recently finished painting. For the model I used a painting PDF that Forge World provided for the Castigator model.

The basic metallic colour I used for the skeleton of the model was Tamiya Flat Aluminum over a undercoat of black. I then made a thin wash from GW Seraphim Sepia and Nuln oil mixed with Lahmian medium. This was brushed several times over the model, allowing each coat to dry. The armour plates are painted with Vallejo Game colour Bone White and the blue plates are painted with Tamiya Royal blue. Originally for the Castigator model they used Tamiya German Grey. The trim on the armour plates was painted with Vallejo liquid Old Gold and Silver. For the symbols on the shoulder plate and knee I made a stencil from masking tape and for the streaking on the armour I used GW Seraphim Sepia and Burnt Umber thinned down oil paints. I found applying some of the transfer’s quite tricky, especially the eagle symbol on the lower leg armour. To make things easier I used Micro Sol. What do you think? Have any of you been painting the new versions of the Imperial Knights?