I’ve added a few new pieces to my Age of Sigmar / Warcry collection: columns and braziers from the Dominion of Sigmar sets, mounted on a baseplate from the old Warhammer Fantasy Arcane Ruins. Find out more in this post.

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Cinematic shot of Dominion of Sigmar ruins for Age of Sigmar

A while ago I found the old Arcane Ruins kit on eBay for a decent price. I really loved the baseplate with the giant skull relief and thought it would be a perfect fit for my Shyish themed terrain collection, going well with my Nighthaunt and Skeleton Warriors. The columns didn’t quite fit into my collection though, so I had the idea of swapping them out with columns from the Dominion of Sigmar kits.

I already have a few broken pillars from the Timeworn Ruins set, painted to match the jade green pavement on the Warcry gaming board. You can find a tutorial here:

The flames on the braziers were basecoated with Vallejo Model Color White, then I switched to my airbrush and added zenithal highlights with Royal Cloak and Hydra Turquoise from The Army Painter’s Air range. Then I layered the coal with Hydra Turquoise, thinned down Incubi Darkness and glazed the tips of the flames and the centre of the coals a couple of times. Finally, I added a few small white dots to represent ash swirling around. As you can see, the colour of the flames matches the witchfire on my Nighthaunt and the wightblades of my Grave Guard nicely.

Warhammer Fantasy Arcane Ruins baseplate and braziers with Nighthaunt and Grave Guard

And this is the finished ensemble. To protect the models from wear and tear, I added a coat of Tamiya TS-80 matt varnish spray for a super matt finish, which I really like on scenery. If you need help finding a good matt varnish, check out my ultimate varnish guide here.

Age of Sigmar Dominion of Sigmar Arcane Ruins

I hope you like these terrain pieces as much as I. I had a blast painting them, turning my head off and drybrushing along. Do you have any questions? Leave a comment or reaction below.