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Hey all, and hope your having a fun and productive Sunday. After just coming back from a 10 day holiday I have lots of work that I need to catch on.
I have had to be very organised this week and built up a lot of models, quite a fair bit more than are shown in the photo above. But decided it would be far more practical to concentrate on a few models to paint at one time rather than trying to do everything at once. The models in the photo above are the ones I have been painting this week. Hopefully in the coming week I will do some updates on how this has gone.
How many models do you guys feel comfortably on working on at once? Or do you prefer working on one model at a time?
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If I am painting a squad, I find 3 models at a time is the ideal number for me to paint as I like to see the finished results quicker. That way seeing them painted within a relatively short period of time gives me the motivation to plough on with the rest. Any more and it feels like it takes too long to get finished, when in practice it is probably not the case. Everyone is different I guess. Out of interest, what blue did you spray your Ultramarines with? I love the cool/cold, crisp contrast it has against the hot red of those Word bearers.
Awesome painting skills. Look forward to the end results. Giles
Thanks Giles, had a very productive week so should have photos up in the next few days.
Sir, you have one of the most unique painting styles. I absolutely adore your work and it's truly inspirational. Keep it up and look forward to seeing those finished.
Those bodyguards looks darn cool I must say 🙂
I also tend to have multiple projects live and kicking 😮
Jumping back and forth between Necrons (kinda fast painting and not so much details) and Death korps were the level of detail is just enormous 😀
Thanks for the kind words. Yes, working on multiple projects is a productive way to paint. I tend to do this a lot.
I tend to have multiple projects going at once.
I have four projects on my desk right now: a small Dark Elf army, 1/700 scale amphibious assault ship, and two Bandai Star Wars models. I've got a small space marine army and another Star Wars project coming up too.
What a great mix of stuff coming up! Makes it easier to avoid burn out eh?
Burnout can be a bummer.
Hey mate, what are the figures painted red? They look really cool! Have fun with your glottkin, just painted a couple of these myself, really enjoyed doing them!
Julian, they are FW models Zardu Layak and Blade Slaves