Hey all, and hope the new year is going well for you. Following on with the yearly tradition of looking back at what work we have done. I guess it’s my turn.
The year 2017 for me as a painter was very busy. At times I found it almost nigh impossible to keep up with the models that I took on. Sadly though this meant that I had less time to paint a lot of the new releases that GW put out and zero time painting anything for myself.
Next year I have made two promises that I want to keep. Number one to take more photos of the work I have done to put it on Tales. This was something I really regretted doing as I was often in such panic to get work to customers I would literally take snapshots. The second promise is that I want to have more time available to paint some new releases. This is something that I really missed doing last year.
So until further ado here is my favourite work of 2017!!!
Hope 2018 is a great painting year for all!!
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I enjoy your style, instantly recognisable. Regular snaps would be great. Hope to emulate your style soon.
Amazing work. Love it.
Happy New Year TeN. Great selection of your work mate. Thanks for sharing.
Cheers Garfy 🙂