Happy Dominion day everyone! Hopefully, you’ve had your Dominion sets delivered or maybe you’re on your way down to your local Games Workshop or independent stockist to pick up your copy (or two). Today on the blog I wanted to share my Praetors and talk about some painting guides for the models in the Dominion box.

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When AOS dropped 6 years ago I didn’t know how I was going to paint my Stormcast so I decided to do my own interpretation of the Hammers of Sigmar. I only painted the one model and that was for the tutorial (see below).

5 years ago I shared this tutorial for painting Goff Orks, and I think with the pale green skin, black, red and rusty weapons it would translate perfectly to a How to Paint Kruleboyz tutorial.

The skin I painted for this The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Hunter Orc is pretty interesting idea for painting Hobgrots, although I think I’ll be using Zandri Dust base coat and a thinned wash of Nazdreg Yellow now. Contrast just helps take out so many steps.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay