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Hey guys, today I thought I’d write a quick post about brushes. Yes those things that we all use in the hobby of painting miniatures. I often get asked what brushes I use, so after the jump I will show you.

The main brush that I use for the majority of my painting are the Windsor and Newton brand series 7 brushes. These brushes have Kolinsky bristles, which accordingly come from Siberian weasels tails. The brushes themselves are really good quality, even though they are a little expensive. But I think the price is justified on how long they last if you look after them well. If you are used to using a GW brush and you get a chance to use one of these you will really notice the difference. They are really that good and I highly recommend them.

The next set of brushes that I like are by a company called Brokentoad. The brushes are also Kolinsky and I would say they are very similar in quality to the Windsor and Newton series 7 ones. But the main difference I have noticed is that the nibs on these are longer which is good for different things such as lining and detail. The Brokentoad brushes are also cheaper than the Series 7 ones which is always a bonus. If I had to choose between the Series 7 brushes and Brokentoad I would probably go with Series 7 as I find them more comfortable to work with.

The final set of brushes that I use are Royal Sofgrips from a company called Royal and Langnickel. These are really cheap to pick up on Ebay and are fantastic as drybrushing brushes. You get five different sized brushes in a pack. The largest brush is great for drybrushing large vehicles and monsters, whereas the smaller sizes are fantastic for troop sized figures. The brushes are also fairly durable. I really recommend them.

Before I end this post, I thought I show what I use to clean my brushes. I use a product called The Masters Brush Cleaner and Presever. You can easily find this in most art stores. I think a cleaner like this is worth having if you are going to be using some of those more expensive brushes as it will keep them in good shape.

What brushes do you guys use?