Looking at the models I have painted so far this year, I can’t help but notice how much my approach to painting has changed. I paint a lot less nowadays but seem to enjoy it a lot more. I thought it might be nice to look back through some of my models.
1993 – 1998
I hope you’ve enjoyed this small, brief glimpse into my hobby timeline. Any questions feel free to ask them in the comments. I hope this inspires new painters to keep trying and perfecting their skills and not to give up if the models doesn’t come out how you envisioned it.
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Love it when seeing something like this.. if I can find more models and know when roughly I painted them I will have to do the same thing.. though unfortunately I sold/lost/gave away most of my older things..
Great timeline though!
I sold my tau. I do have old pictures but they're not great.
Will we be able to see. More do the Tau in the future because they look awesome. As does everything else by the way.
@ Wostry – welcome to the hobby. You're in for a great time if you stick at it. At the start their is usually one thing you're doing right and once you painted more models there will be more and more things you do right, after a while you'll add it all together and produce a brilliant paint job. Just remember to learn from everything you do, including the bad paint jobs.
@ Ashley, it's certainly been gradual, and I'm no where near the level I would like to be. I would say I'm at around 60% my potential and I have an awful lot to learn and improve on. I am comfy where I am at though. I'm enjoying the hobby a lot so I don't want to spoil it with 200+ hours of painting a single model for a Golden Daemon. I'm happy I inspire you. Checking out other peoples blogs inspires me as well.
@ Simonster, glad you like that one. I won a GW store painting contest with that. The store supplied everyone with a marine and dark eldar and we could do what ever we wanted. I couldn't think of anything cooler then a Legion of the Damned Marine punching the mask off of a Dark Eldar kabalite. FTW!
@ Anon, sadly I only did that test unit and took a dislike to painting skaven. Having painted 200 Goblins and 125 Orcs I wasn't really in the mood to paint another horde.
can you show more of your skaven? they look real good and i want to see more(if you have 😉
Some very characterful models, although my favourite has to be the domestic violence demonstrated by a metahuman against a female space elf :p
You most often see just the end result of 10+ years of painting experience, and that can get discouraging for a newbie (like myself). It's nice to see someone's gradual improvement. It definitely inspires me!
Beutiful! I just started painting miniatures, and I'm ca. at the 1993 level. 🙂 This whole timeline very inspiring!