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Hi all, Banzai1000 here. I think in time we all will have a certain amount of bits left from all the models we bought 😉 And we all like to do some conversions or at least have some ideas.

Here are some of my conversions I did for the Mechanicus. Click and have some fun…

For the creation of my Command and Control Master Servitor I used a Taurox vehicle. I didn’t like the original tracks and replaced them with tracks from the Kataphron Servitors which I think fit much better. The use of the servitor itself is obvious. On the back I added some antenna bits. And there you have it, a model which I think turned out very good.

I think the Mechanicus gives endless possibilities of playing around with bits because who knows all about the secrets of the Magi? So I took an Imperial Bullgryn and gave him some “special weapons” to be part of the Mechanicus family. All weapon parts I used for this conversion are also from the Kataphron Servitors.

For this Magos Enginseer I simply used a Vampire Counts Wraith and added bits from the original Magos Dominus and some more…

What do think and what are your craziest conversion ideas? Tell us and leave a comment.