I haven’t seen many reviews of Finecast models online recently. This got me thinking… have Games Workshop clamped down on the quality control? I decided to buy a box and a blister of Finecast models and find out for myself. Read on to find out if it was Fine or Failcast…
I’ve taken some very clear and large photos of these models, and looking at the Urien Rakarth cast it’s pretty much perfect. I think there were a total of 4 air bubbles which were so small they’d probably have filled in at the undercoat stage, but I used some liquid greenstuff which took less then a minute to dab on. It dries pretty quick too so I went over it quickly with a file. Because the resin is softer then metal they clean up really fast. The crispness of detail is superior to metal. It’s sharper, where as metal has rounded off edges.
When I bought these at a local Games Workshop store, I asked to open the box so I could check them out and potentially save myself a journey back if there was a problem. The manager actually told me they hadn’t had many returns recently which collaborates with my theory about there have been fewer internet reports of bad casts. Whilst checking them out in the store I could see no flaws and felt happy to take them away.
The Wracks are generally pretty good. A few chins and one blade had missing detail which I’ve had to resculpt with greenstuff. The air bubbles are quite minimal and just required some liquid greenstuff. Some of the parts required straightening with hot water and then a dip in cold water to set. Considering the size of the models and how thin some of the parts are it’s to be expected with resin.
Final thoughts… 6 models cost me £31.50, that’s comparable to Forgeworld’s prices. The clean up process is also comparable to Forgeworld. With greenstuffing and straightening. I’ve worked with Forgeworld models for years and assembled 4 gargantuans and a super heavy flyer, all of which have required heavy duty pinning/straightening and general fixing. Working with resin is hard work and requires patience. The more effort you put in the more rewarding it is. I take this approach with Finecast. It’s no different to Forgeworld.
I love how small and intricate the details are. The sculpts are lovely and the work involved was simple. I’ve had worse metal models that have had miscasts. Overall, a pleasant and enjoyable assembly project which has left me itching to paint them. I’m pro Finecast!
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Alot of people don't realize that even if you have a defective product that is half assembled, say a Vargheist that after building three quarters of it, you realize there is a massive bubble where the wing joins the body.
They replaced it even without the plastic tray, though the box is required, and they would probably need a receipt to show it's within 30 days.
They've been really accommodating for stuff like this as they're hobbyists as well and know the troubles the range had early on.
My DE were a wreck but it was early on. My Necorns had far less problems and my 25th anniversary model was damn near flawless. They've done their homework for sure. Good luck painting all that detail. Seems great in small doses after 1600pts i wanted to kill the sculptors with the pointy bits of the DE range (there are a lot and they all really hurt when you jab yourself). I like working with resin but it's almost as much work as metal was just a different kind. Plastic is still the BOMB!
So far I have purchased a Sslyth, a Haemonculi, a Box of Wracks and 2 Boxes of Mandrakes. Of those the Sslyth was pretty much perfect. Very little flash, super crisp detail, overall really nice.
Everything else though? Horrendous. The Mandrakes are the worst cast figs I have ever purchased in 20+ years of this hobby for any company. I wasn't thinking clearly when I was building them and put a few of them together before I noticed just how bad they are so I couldnt return them. All of their weapons were warped, almost "wavey" for the long blades and the sickles were on a crazy angle. There were also massive bubbles throughout (I had to re-sculpt one of their feet myself). The Wracks were slightly better but had an insane amount of flash on them and the mold wasn't aligned properly so there was a huge mold line down the middle. The weapons in particular were really messed up. Exact same issue with the Haemonculi (he is missing some of his fingers…you can see him here: http://legiominimus.blogspot.ca/2011/07/haemonculi-finished.html ). I also got the added bonus of taking the Wracks out of my case 2 months later to see the weapons COMPLETELY bent, so it looked like the models are using rubber weapons. Due to how fragile Finecast is I can't see any way of fixing them so I doubt I will ever actually paint them…too depressing lol.
When you consider my terrible luck with this product and how outrageously expensive it is here in Canada (2 boxes of mandrakes, 1 box of wracks and 2 blisters cost $200 for 17 models) there is no way I will ever put money down for it again. I will either convert what I need out of plastic or just choose a different option in my list. Glad to hear someone out there though is having decent experiences with it at least.
Doesn't look too bad. Yet there is the price tag. I found metal models grossly overpriced back then, and finecasting and the two price hikes since then made it even more ridiculous. I avoided Finecast so far, but my planned Dark Eldar army will make this hard. Well maybe I can keep myself busy with other projects until Wracks and Incubi get plastic kits 😀
Nice to see some one else who praises it rather than only posting when there is a problem. Also happy to see that you accept the issues that can come with working with resin.
Nice review, and I have to say, they are lovely casts.
Great to see a positive review 🙂 I've never had a problem with Finecast. Plus GW's customer service is great, so even if there is a problem, they swap it out!