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Hi all, Banzai1000 here with the Imperial Space Marine, a limited edition miniature released to celebrate GW’s 30th anniversary of  their first Space Marine model.

I was lucky enough to get the last model out of twenty in my local GW store. I had a lot of fun building and painting this model, it took me one week (I’m a damn slow painter actually).

I decided to paint him in the colors of the Imperial Fists, as I wanted to go for a chapter of the First Founding.

Yellow is a colour that is known to be difficult to paint, so I was up to the challenge and I am quite happy with the outcome.

I used Averland Sunset as base colour, mixed with Orange and Mournfang Brown for shading. For the highlights I mixed in Flash Gits Yellow and Sreaming Scull. The base was done using Agrellan Earth.

What do you think about the model? Leave a comment and let us know. I’m planning to do some more special characters (e.g. the web exlusive Captain…) as some small diorama scenes, so stay tuned.