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Hey guys, today I thought I’d show the Imperial Knight Renegades I am working on.
I have been painting these two models on and off for the past week as a break for when I am not working on quite a large Tau army. I was kind of cheating as whenever I would work on the Tau paint scheme I would quickly use the same paints on the Knights. It has worked as a advantage as the colours used are quite similar to a Death Guard army that I own and the models blend in nicely.
I still need to do some more work on them, but I am pretty happy with how they are looking. What do you think so far?
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Hey cheers guys.
? lol of course! They look great, as always.
I don't know. I'm not sure that the "fresh out of the shop" look is appropriate for renegade Knights. If you added at least a bit of weathering or field damage, they may look more realistic.
Holy Moly!
Those are two good looking knights =)
Yesssss! Those look fucking bonza man. You're grimey style is the best on the web.