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Oh yes! I’m really happy with how Jensus came out. Is’t it amazing that one pleasant painting experience can truly replenish your hobby motivation. More pictures after the jump!
Looks like my Stormcast are going to take a little back seat whilst I paint the last three models for my Deathwatch. Just the biker and two jump pack models left to paint. Getting there slowly!
What’s on your painting table at the moment? Are you struggling to finish a project?
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
That's great advice. Enjoy your own work and others, but yours is still great
Garfy your paint jobs blow me away every time, I think this is certainly one of my favourite models you've done and especially for the deathwatch. If you had to give away one secret about how you manage to pull of stunning works like this what would it be?
Oh wow, I'm taken aback by your comment. I don't see myself as a particularly great painter. I look at the Facebook groups and I'm totally blown away by the work that everyone else is doing. It inspires me to pick up my brushes seeing the great work of others. I'm certainly not in their league but I'm content with my level. In recent years I've neatened my painting up a lot because I hold stahly's attention to detail and precision in such high regard. I'm no where near as neat as him though.
As for one single piece of advice. Just be inspired by everyone else. Never feel disheartened and talk to others about their painting. You can always learn new things.
Garf, stop being modest. Your work is 'eavy metal quality. Extremely neat, technical and stunning. I saw your stuff in the last white dwarf. Seriously it looks like studio stuff.
Love this model. Pose is simple, yet effective. Maybe I'll convert him into a Blood Angels Librarian some day.
Struggling so hard to finish an Ultramarine tactical squad so I decided to take a break and paint a character that I've been meaning to get around to for ages! Vandus Hammerhand from the AoS box set. Started him and I immediately started to feel my hobby mojo slowly coming back 🙂